Slimming Down Via Calming Massage Therapy Babylon Locals Residents May Undergo

By Angela Hill

Being obese or overweight can sometimes be associated with stress, health authorities say. That is why a lot of people whose lives are really stressful seem to be bigger than the rest. Needless to say, those who wish to maintain a more ideal weight should do something about having high levels of stress. One way to attain that is via calming massage therapy Babylon local residents may go for.

Stress can cause so many changes to take place within you. Increased cholesterol levels and elevated blood pressure are some of the most common ones. Your blood glucose levels may also become raised as a result of it. This is why you are considered as at high risk of becoming obese or overweight sooner or later if your everyday life is stressful.

Having lots of sugar present in the blood can pave the way for what health experts refer to as insulin resistance. Put simply, it is a condition in which the cells no longer react properly to insulin, which is a hormone that is responsible for moving sugar in the blood to the cells. Needless to say, insulin resistance can cause an elevation in the blood sugar. Having the cells deprived of much-needed energy can leave a person feeling so hungry.

It's for this reason exactly why the stressed individual has an increased appetite. Because his or her cells are clamoring for sugar, it may seem like every sugary treat in sight is irresistible. It's no secret that a diet that's high in sugar can cause unwanted gaining of weight. Failure to curb one's appetite can easily cause obesity to come into being.

A person is referred to as a stress eater if his insatiable appetite is caused by the presence of high levels of sugar in the blood due to having lots of stress hormones in the body. The individual is fond of consuming plenty of sugary food not only to feel energized but also comforted. This is why stress eating is also sometimes known as emotional eating. Such is especially true if it's fueled by anxiety, depression, anger, frustration and other intense emotions.

If you wish to steer clear of becoming a stress eater, it is a good idea to lower your stress levels. It's something that can be very advantageous because it can keep not only your body but also mind out of harm's way. According to health authorities, being obese or overweight is a risk factor for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain forms of cancer, and mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

It's a good thing that dealing with excessive stress is not a difficult job. Engaging in anything that offers physical and mental relaxation is a step that you may take. There are so many stress-relieving activities available, ranging from meditating, doing yoga, listening to music, writing in your diary, taking a warm bath to spending time with your pet.

You may also undergo professional massage. Many can attest to its effectiveness in lowering one's stress levels. By regularly having it, you will find it easier to fend off not only stress eating but the various complications associated with it.

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