Concepts On Colon And Rectal Surgery Long Island Patients May Find Useful

By Rebecca Kennedy

In the lowermost part of the digestive tract, just before the anus, lies the colon followed by the rectum. These two parts of the large bowel may get diseased due to one reason or the other. Generally, the colorectal region can become dysfunctional as a result of physical trauma, infection, tumours and congenital disorders. While a few may be treated by medication, most conditions need an operation to correct. These are some of principles on colon and rectal surgery Long Island residents may find interesting.

Hemorrhoids (or piles) are one of the typical conditions affecting the rectum. They typically occur when blood vessels found in this region get overly engorged to a point that they cause discomfort to the affected individual. The exact cause is still unknown but it has been shown that they are more likely to occur in people who strain when opening bowels, pregnant women and people who engage in anal intercourse.

Piles are usually treated using preventive measures and medication. Aggressive fluid intake and a high fiber diet are key in keeping constipation and straining in check. It is also important that one relieves themselves whenever they feel the urge to. Saline sitz baths for a given period of time every day are part of the conservative management. Nonetheless, surgery is a savior when symptoms become unbearable.

Hemorrhoids can be removed without requiring general anesthesia. The patient can walk into hospital and walk out the same day. This can be done using rubber bands placed around the swelling. When this is done, blood supply to this area is compromised and the hemorrhoid eventually falls off. This method is usually referred to as rubber band ligation.

Alternatively, the doctor can use sclerotherapy where a chemical is infused into the swollen vessel to reduce it in size. Coagulation is another way to stop bleeding whereby techniques such as laser are used to cause shriveling of the swellings. Even though these minor procedures are cheaper and more convenient, the risk of recurrence is higher.

Hemorrhoidectomy, which simply means surgical removal of hemorrhoids, is the method of choice for very large swellings. The patient can be put on either regional or general anesthesia depending on how complicated the case is. The good thing about surgery is that it greatly lowers the rate of recurrence. However, the patient is at risk of getting urinary tract infections.

Colorectal cancer is another typical condition that may require colorectal surgery. It is usually an old age disease but can affect youngsters with a positive family history. Smoking, obesity and polyps also increase the chance of cancer. Cancer limited to the colon and rectum can be cured by removal of the diseased part and joining the normal ends together. This is medically referred to as resection and anastomosis. In some unfortunate cases, the cancer may have spread to involve the anal sphincters which control stool passage. These have to be removed during the surgery to prevent further spread and recurrence. The patient will have to live with a bag that empties stool through an opening made in the abdomen (colosmtomy bag).

It is important that the doctor informs the patient about the risks related to the surgery is key in helping them to make a decision. More often than not, surgery is done under general anesthesia. This puts the patient at an additional danger of aspirating stomach contents into the lungs. Care needs to be taken when performing the surgery to avoid damage to surrounding structures. At the end of the day, the benefits should be weighed against the risks and an appropriate decision made.

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