When Couples Need To Consider Infertility Counseling

By Edward Mitchell

Some people's plans for a family fall into place without any trouble. Other couples struggle for years to conceive without any success. The older the woman partner gets, the harder and more dangerous the struggle becomes. This can be an issue that overwhelms some relationships to the point that professional assistance becomes necessary. Infertility counseling can make a huge difference for a couple.

The more they try to conceive, without success, the more panicked some couples become. It is not unusual for one partner to be more obsessive about the situation than the other. As time goes on, the issues can start to overwhelm one or both partners. In this case, experts agree that talking to a professional may be the best answer. This is someone who can suggest coping skills and other strategies to help couples live full lives.

Women may want to talk obsessively about the situation and how they feel about it. Men on the other hand tend to internalize and focus on the best ways how to fix things. It's easy for couples to get frustrated and angry with one another. A counselor will listen to both sides, and suggest better ways to communicate effectively.

There comes a time, when a couple still has not gotten pregnant, that they will have to decide how to proceed. IVF is an option, but it is also a big decision. Continuing after initial failure is a bigger one. The treatments are expensive, but that is not always the major consideration. A woman's body also pays a price, and a counselor is sometimes needed in order for couples to look at their situation realistically.

There are a number of options beyond IVF and natural pregnancy. Most couples have discussed them at one time, but many don't really pursue these avenues. Talking to a counselor can help open a real discussion about the possibilities of adoption and surrogacy. If a couple wants to actively pursue one of these options, the agency involved may require that they have a certain amount of counseling before proceeding.

If none of these options work out, couples will have to face the idea that raising children may not be in their future. This can be very difficult after years of assuming parenthood would eventually happen. It may require changing mindsets and setting new goals with the help of a professional.

As loving as family and close friends might be, they aren't always the best people to go to when couples need to talk out differences. They can be too close to the situation to listen without expressing strong opinions. Counselors are trained to listen to both sides impartially and compassionately. They will never repeat what they have heard, place blame, or tell one or both partners what they have to do.

Couples who conceive easily have no idea what couples with fertility issues go through. There is no way even the most compassionate can appreciate the difficulty. Turning to a professional may be the best option to help these couples go forward.

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